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A1 (for first-time Spanish learners, or those who have not studied Spanish for many years)
A2 (for learners with some basic knowledge of Spanish)
A2+ (for learners who need a review of concepts covered in A1 and A2, plus new material for beginning students)


B1 (for students with a solid grasp of simple verb tenses and who are ready to move to the subjunctive tense)
B2 (for students who are prepared to learn more advanced verb tenses and Spanish grammar)
B2+ (for students who are prepared to learn more additional advanced verb tenses and Spanish grammar)


C1 (for students with a very solid grasp of Spanish grammar and a good understanding of all indicative and subjunctive verb conjugations)
C2 (for advanced students who want to hone their speaking and writing skills for a variety of purposes)
Advanced Conversation (for advanced students who have had sufficient grammar instruction and are interested in practicing their conversational skills)


Spanish World School offers private classes for those who are seeking intensive, thorough explanation and comprehension. Flexible scheduling is available. Please contact Spanish World School to make arrangements.

Please click here for information about pricing.


If you or your organization are looking for Spanish classes with a specific professional goal (medical, food service, real estate, construction, religious services, education, etc.), Spanish World School will design a specific curriculum to suit your needs. Please contact SWS for more information.