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How long will it take for my child to speak Spanish?

Something helpful to consider is that, “The more input, the more output.” Students who attend immersion classes twice a week for three hours a day will develop their Spanish skills at a different rate than those who attend five days a week for 8 hours per day. That being said, it still is a long process. Typically it takes 5 – 7 years for students of a second language to achieve advanced fluency. There are other factors that contribute to students’ progress as well, including their background to the language, their exposure to it outside of school and their personalities. While not always the case, usually those who are more outgoing will be more inclined to take the risk and speak out loud. It’s important to note that even if they don’t have a lot of oral production, students’ minds are still processing the language and working hard to make sense of what they are hearing.