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What is Project Based Learning?

Our nursery, preschool and elementary programs are rooted in project-based learning.  Students are engaged in authentic learning experiences through in-depth and purposeful investigations. During the inquiry process students are exposed to early literacy and math standards that prepare them for early reading, math, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills. Teachers become facilitators in the process of investigation, revision and reflection. Students remain engaged in real-life experiences throughout the unit of study in order to create a tangible, useful product to be shared with the community. At the end of each unit, students present their projects to their classmates, teachers, parents and community members. The presentation piece is critical to the students’ understanding of the topic as well as development of their oral language skills.

Some examples of monthly projects include: World Market, in which students learn about different cultures and countries as they prepare products to sell at a World-Expo where students can buy and sell their goods; We are Alive!, in which students transform their classrooms into different habitats, complete with animals, plants and information about geography and Thankful for Spanish, a unit that allows students to communicate with Spanish-speaking students at partner schools in Puerto Rico, Mexico, Spain and the US.