Registration Fee: Returning Grand Families: $500, New Grand Families: $1,000 (Due at Registration, Non-refundable)
Monthly tuition: $1,337 (10-month schedule. Includes all fees.)
Monthly extended care (8am – 5:30pm): $375
One-time yearly payment $12,870 (Includes 5% discount. Does not include extended care.)
Tuition Schedule
Enrollment fees for current families due 3/6/24
Enrollment fees for new families due 3/6/24
August tuition due 6/1/24. Regular monthly payments will start 9/1/24
Annual payments due 6/1/24.
5% sibling discounts are applied to the lower tuition rate.
5% discount is applied to one-time tuition payments.
Discounts may not be combined.
Payment Methods
Checks or cash
Credit cards (3.5% convenience fee added)
Bank ACH online payments ($3 extra fee)
Enrollment fees are non-refundable.
One-time tuition payments are not refundable once the school year has started.
Elementary one-time payments paid on 6/1/24 will be refunded 100% if student withdraws prior to 7/1/24. 80% will be refunded if student withdraws prior to 8/1/24, and 50% if student withdraws between 8/1 – first day of school.
Families who pay on a monthly schedule must provide a 30-day notice prior to withdrawing.